Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Natural Hair Update


I haven't written in awhile, but I promise to do better. To update you on my hair, it has grown so much since my last post. I estimate it is about 8-10 inches longs stretched out. When its curly, its anywhere from 3-6 inches (depending on moisture and products used).

I am discovering that natural hair is sooooo much fun. Its like a project that I have yet to get a handle on, but that a learn a little bit more about each day.

To those transitioning or big chopping, dont give up! It is very difficult but liberating process. It gives you YET another reason to take pride in yourself.

To me, now that I dont have a perm, I feel like a mask has been I'm seeing "me."

I'm enjoying this time. And probably will for the rest of my life.

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