Sunday, October 18, 2009

thoughts on LOVE!

So anyone who knows me well knows that I am always talking about being "in love" though I have never personally experienced it. I know what it is to love a friend. to love family. and to love God. I've heard about "being in love," but I really don't know what that means. I know what love feels like I think. Sometimes I close my eyes and I envision it...this abstract warm and fuzzy thing. Yet still, I don't know if I am capable of giving it. This sounds selfish I know. But is really possible to love someone else nearly as much as you love yourself?! I can only imagine loving the kids I bear that way. Actually, I imagine loving them more.... Maybe loving a man is a foriegn concept to me. Maybe I have not met "him" yet. Or maybe, but hopefully not, I am truly incapable of love. But then again, I haven't encountered anyone worth falling in love with... So I will just continue to wait patiently and see where this journey of life takes me.

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